
Catarina Palma


Aura Reading
Catarina is an Aura Reading Therapist since 15 years ago. Born in Portugal, she currently lives nearby the sea, at Ericeira. She is a mother of two daughters and they are her eternal roots. She has waited some years to become a teacher of Aura Reading and it was one of the greatest achievements of her life. She also studied Essential Reiki, Numerology and Shamanism. Now, she is studying Carl Jung's psychology and Astrology. For Catarina, "through the Aura Reading we can understand how our choices and behaviours affect our lives and energy, and helps us to integrate that information. It provides relevant information to the person’s awareness so that they can find the harmony and balance necessary for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being"

Catarina has been an aura reading therapist for 15 years. Born in Portugal, she currently lives near the sea, in Ericeira.

She is a mother of two daughters and they are her eternal roots. She has waited some years to become a teacher of Aura Reading and it was one of the greatest achievements of her life. 

She also studied essential reiki, numerology and shamanism. Now, she is studying Carl Jung's psychology and astrology.

For Catarina, "through aura reading we can understand how our choices and behaviours affect our lives and energy, and helps us to integrate that information. It provides relevant information to the person’s awareness so that they can find the harmony and balance necessary for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being."

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.