
Fabio Novo


Talk - Dreams
Fabio Novo is a pychotherapist, life designer, soul hacker and writer graduated in Psychosynthesis with specializations in Neuroscience, Bioenergetics, Yoga, Meditation, Dreams and Psychedelics. He is the creator of HoloSynthesis, an integral approach to self knowledge, facilitator of the human development programs Sync, Synthesis and Navigator and author of the books Holoplex, Hyper, Fractal, The Field of Dreams and 108. Fabio lives, works and dreams in between Portugal and Brasil.

Fábio Novo is a pychotherapist, life designer, soul hacker and writer graduated in Psychosynthesis with specializations in Neuroscience, Bioenergetics, Yoga, Meditation, Dreams and Psychedelics.

He is the creator of HoloSynthesis, an integral approach to self knowledge, facilitator of the human development programs Sync, Synthesis and Navigator and author of the books Holoplex, HyperFractalThe Field of Dreams and 108. Fábio lives, works and dreams in between Portugal and Brazil.

For Being Gathering, Fábio is bringing The Field of Dreams, a live workshop to access, decode, activate and synthesise the full potential of dreams.

Based on HoloSynthesis integral approach the workshop is designed to facilitate - through meditation, visualisation, music and dance - the access of the field of dreams to achieve self knowledge, emotional balance and spiritual connection.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.