
Sofia Perez


Transpersonal Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Reading
As transpersonal hypnotherapist, author, teacher and speaker, Sofia carries out national and international training actions in personal development, workshops, individual and group therapies. She says: “My work integrates the transpersonal function. A internal journey is made to the world between worlds." At the core a creative process which includes: induction of a altered state of consciousness and relaxation of the body, breathing practices and focus of attention (trance); access to our unconscious, to the internal resources and unlimited potential, to memories, enhancing past learnings, giving new meaning to lived experiences and emotions. The intuitive reading works like a kind of x-ray that connects mind and spirit working on the level of blocks generated by traumatic experiences, physical health problems, signs that point to life purposes, among others.

As transpersonal hypnotherapist, author, teacher and speaker, Sofia carries out national and international training actions in personal development, workshops, individual and group therapies.

She says: “My work integrates the transpersonal function. An internal journey is made to the world between worlds."

At the core a creative process which includes: induction of a altered state of consciousness and relaxation of the body, breathing practices and focus of attention (trance); access to our unconscious, to the internal resources and unlimited potential, to memories, enhancing past learnings, giving new meaning to lived experiences and emotions.

The intuitive reading works like a kind of x-ray that connects mind and spirit working on the level of blocks generated by traumatic experiences, physical health problems, signs that point to life purposes, among others.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.