
Ana Fernandes & Constança Belchior


Talk - Health
Responsible leadership and sustainability

Ana is the co-founder of Savira - Nature Hair Care and haircare professional for 20 years. She believes, think and practice the essence of sustainable and conscious beauty through hairstyling, haircare and colouring services.

In her words: "I have sought to evolve throughout my career to have as my foundation the wellbeing - mine, my clients and the teams where I collaborate - and respect for the environment and the communities where I live and work. I am on a mission to find and disseminate professional quality hair products with ingredients that are preferably organic or of non-synthetic origin, in order to reduce the exposure of the largest human organ - the skin - to chemicals, as well as on our planet."

Constança is the other half of Savira - Nature Hair Care, and whole-systems sustainability designer and facilitator for 7 years: more broadly devoted to supporting responsible leadership and regenerating our organisations, businesses and places so that they flourish in service of life. That's what she does through another venture - Lúcida - Regenerative thinking for clear actions - by co-creating spaces and learning journeys for developing individuals and organisations.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.