
Carla Kuhlmann


Psychedelic Breathwork

Carla is a yoga teacher, psychedelic breath facilitator, reiki and ancient tantra practitioner.

She practices and teaches a feminine, sensual, playful and intuitive approach to yoga. Throughout the past 6 years she has been devoted to studying a vast array of alternative healing modalities designed to journey back to the heart of who you are; re-awakening and remembering parts of your forgotten self.

Carla is a free soul, nature lover, movement and somatic work enthusiast and intuitive herbalist. Creating and holding sacred, safe containers for women, coming together in ritual, has been one of her greatest joys in the last couple of years. She has been successfully hosting workshops at festivals and retreats events all over Europe.

For Being Gathering, she is giving a workshop named Sensual Psychedelic Breath.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.