
Fer Pal


Talk - Society
Fer Pal is a naturologist, musician and author. He has been deeply studying and researching for more than 15 years about holistic healing and ways of life. He lived in Peru for 7 years, doing profound research and training about traditional psychoactive plant medicine and Andean culture.  During all those years a sense of becoming sovereign awakened and he went into deep research about what that means and how we can make a difference if we start the path of sovereignty. Fer Pal has two publications: his first book Transformation in Base 4 and his first album Gotas de Vida. He is currently working in his second album. 

Fer Pal is a naturologist, musician and author. He has been deeply studying and researching for more than 15 years about holistic healing and ways of life. He lived in Peru for seven years, doing profound research and training about traditional psychoactive plant medicine and Andean culture. 

During all those years a sense of becoming sovereign awakened and he went into deep research about what that means and how we can make a difference if we start the path of sovereignty. Fer Pal has two publications: his first book Transformation in Base 4 and his first album Gotas de Vida. He is currently working in his second album.

For Being Gathering, Fer is bringing Becoming Sovereign, a workshop for those on their evolutionary path who have concluded that it is necessary to step forward and take responsibility. 

The workshop will explain in a summarised way how the system traps us and what the mechanisms are to legitimately get out of it to make changes on an individual level that will translate into structural changes in society.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.