
Sara Toscano


Greek Dance
Greek Dance

Sara isa dancer and dance teacher whose journey into the world of dance began at the age of 25, following a shift from advertising to a career in professional dance.

Starting in Lisbon and later in Netherlands, she honed her skills and earned a diploma from Rotterdam's Foundation for the Arts, solidifying her commitment to the art form.Years later, she found herself in Greece, fascinated by the Greek myths and history.

It was during that time that she discovered Ancient Greek Dance and embarked on a new chapter in herdance career. With the invaluable support of the Greek Theatre of Traditional Dances, she delved into research and became deeply immersed in this ancient art form.

She established the Terpsichore Dance Company in Lisbon with which she have showcased her research and choreographies in venues such as the Museum of the Roman Theatre, the Ancient Ruins of Conímbriga and the Archaeological Museum of Odrinhas.

The workshop in Being Gathering serves as an initiation into the world of Ancient Greek Dance. In antiquity, Greek Dance transcended mere movement, it was a profound connection to the divine, an embodiment of community values, and a pathway to personal excellence.

This transcendent experience was achievable through the seamless integration of movement, poetry and music, uniting the body, mind, and spirit. Throughout this dance workshop, participants will embark on a journey back in time, unraveling ancient wisdom through the art of dance, offering a unique glimpse into a rich cultural tapestry that thrived over 2000 years ago.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.