
Satya & Nuno Carvalho



Satya is a consciousness activist who has dedicated the last 15 years to expanding and evolving human consciousness. Throughout this time, she has facilitated transformative retreats for over 63 000 individuals worldwide.

As the founder of Working With Satya and of the Awareness Facilitator School, Satya has developed an integrated approach that combines modern therapeutic techniques, with ancient wisdom. Her method integrates meditation, breath work, primal work, trauma healing, bioenergetics, energy reading, exposure work, and ancient rituals, is currently being used to train facilitators around the world.

Satya has travelled extensively in search of the most ancient healing methods and the immense wisdom that still resides within indigenous tribes. On her long shamanic path Satya received teachings and blessings for her work from José Campos (Peruvian Shaman), Carmen Vicente (Equador Shaman) Don Toño (Huichol Shaman) and others. She carries their traditions and bridges ancient wisdom and its medicine - sacred plants and natural psychedelics - with modern therapy to support the needs and intentions of all who seek her guidance.

She has been invited to speak on the topics of mental health, consciousness and psychedelics at United Nations and other worldwide events. Currently, is launching the Sacred Forest Project, starting with a nature reserve in Peru, which will become a centre for healing and regeneration of our planet.

Nuno Carvalho spent his adolescence on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Azores, where he started a deep connection to nature and the ocean. Degree in Physical Education and Sports, he dedicated to the Pilates method early on, having been trained by Pilates Institute from UK.

He was a teacher in clinics and health clubs, working at the level of postural reeducation and rehabilitation. Human movement and energy work become more consistent with Nuno contact with Chi Kung, in which he had the privileged to learn from several masters in Europe and Asia, such as Mantak Chia, lam Kam Chuen, Peter Den Dekker, Wu Chuan, Paul Lundberg, Lama Dondrup Dorje between others.

Body work came naturally from a Zen Shiatsu Course at Macrobiotic Institute of Portugal, where he practiced for 3 years and then dedicated to teaching, which he did for 10 years. During this time he integrated other arts such as japanese acupuncture, myofascial release in the approach of anatomy trains and, finally, osteopathy, a course held for professionals ITS health.

As a mind training meditation has been part of his practice transmitted by Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism. In his view of holistic integration of the human, he uses these various experiences and formations for therapy and also movement and rhythm in resonance with the way nature and the elements interact. Nuno is a health and wellness consultant, creating wellness programs, injury prevention and optimizing health and energy levels at work. Collaborating in events, retreats and companies and founder of Mãe D´Água Balsa Wellness & Healing Center in Monchique mountains, Algarve, Portugal.

Together, they will provide the session "The Alchemy of Love".

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.